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30 Day Yoga challenge - Dec edition

Writer's picture: Sunita NarmaSunita Narma

Feeling the holiday stress creeping up ?

Once December sets in, it feels like it’s full speed ahead, and the days filled with non stop feeling of "busyness". There's a little voice in my head that's been trying to nudge me to return to my yoga mat for a while now. Frankly my body isn't entirely ready to contort itself into poses of any kind, beginner or otherwise. As much as it seems like a lot of the practice of yoga seems to involves poses, for me personally I have found that even the simple calming breathing exercises and restorative postures are an important way for me to connect to my inner silence.

A few short minutes on the mat and breath is the magical key to connect with my mind/ body and turn down the dial of stress. A slow down of sorts to savor the moments in between all the hurried chaos from one holiday to the next, and perhaps avoid holiday burnout.

I invite you all to join us.

If any of this resonates with you and some part of you lights up acknowledging that this is exactly what you need in your life right now, then I invite you to join us. And by us, I mean myself and my friends/co-hosts on the NoFo live show Tracy and Kelly. Tracy and I have done similar yoga challenges in the past, usually in January following along with Yoga with Adriene and her amazing 30 day starts to the year. We might consider it again as a kick off for 2023 but here we go again with the hurrying and onto the next thing already.

For now we are looking to commit ourselves to sort of a "Return to the Mat" journey for the month of December. Just 10 minutes of a daily practice (in the comfort and privacy of our own homes) making the time to be one with the mat. If you are ready for more and this daily practice means an invitation to up your activity level on the mat or otherwise run with it. Even though we will be on this collective journey, yoga is a personalized practice so make it your own.


This is a totally FREE program, nothing for sale, no strings attached.

Just a way for us to encourage and support each other and better enjoy the joys of this beautiful holiday season.

Here’s how we are going to do it:

  1. Each of us will make a daily commitment to show up on our mat for 10 min EVERYDAY in December. Probably best if you can schedule it for first thing in am so the day doesn't slip away, but do what's best for your schedule.

  2. There will be a different video link each day shared with the group (YouTube) so we can all watch follow along the same guided practice daily. If you miss a day no worries, you don't need to go back and make it up. The intent is to make it to the mat as many days as possible.

  3. Check in with the team via instagram group chat or stories (tag us if you do post). Totally optional, but having participated/run these in the past , its pretty apparent that accountability and group support is a vital factor in success.

Link below if you want to join in. Leave us your email and we will send you the calendar and videos to follow for each day in Dec. You can join in at any time, and hopefully collectively we can experience a less hectic and more enjoyable holiday season.

See you on the mat, Namaste.

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